September 12, 2023

The Practice of Tuning

The Practice of Tuning

The Practice of Tuning



Kyel Godfrey-Ryan

Practice. When I think of a practice my thoughts first go to yoga and medicine. In practicing both, you will have better days than others, but the idea is the more you practice the deeper your skill becomes. I am also drawn to the Gladwell school of thought that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something. This concept illustrates the idea that mastery is available, tangible and something to possess. 

These two concepts both weave through and oppose each other. In yoga and medicine, total mastery is never available as both fields are in a constant state of evolution and growth. With Gladwell’s theory, the sheer act of practice creates mastery in a fixed state. 

Tuning doesn’t fit neatly into any of these categories, though its impact is deepened with practice. In fact, the practice of tuning isn’t even about tuning; it's about everything else in your life outside of the 15 minute session. It’s about your day of meetings, helping your kids with their homework and your fitness or movement classes. It’s about your quality of sleep, how you communicate with your partner and that connection in conversation in your relationships. Tuning is about how you show up for yourself, your job, your relationships, your life. 

The practice of tuning lays the foundation of ease, flow and presence in a world that pulls you in multiple directions at the same time. The more often and regularly you TUNE, the broader the effects, which is where the idea of practice comes in. But the real practice is in what you decide to do with the peace. The practice is re-learning your relationship to everything in your life. What will you do to get better sleep? What does it feel like to be present at family dinners? How do you deal with colleagues you used to be triggered by? What are your fitness goals when your body recovers faster? Who are you without that extra layer of stress?

The practice of tuning won’t change everything in your life, it will only support the opportunity for natural ease to enter it. Like yoga or medicine, life can’t be mastered as there is always more to learn, but I have to hand it to Gladwell and agree that 10,000 hours of practice definitely achieves a milestone. Wouldn’t it cool to live for 10,000 hours while feeling balanced and joyful? This is why we TUNE and this is why we call it a practice, because the more often and regularly you tune, the more you get to practice being you. 

Tuning isn’t magic, you are.

- Kyle Godfrey-Ryan, Founder of TUNE