April 4, 2023

The Story Behind TUNE: Why Vibration?

The Story Behind TUNE: Why Vibration?

The Story Behind TUNE: Why Vibration?



Kyel Godfrey-Ryan

Hi, I’m Kyle Godfrey-Ryan, the founder of TUNE.

Before founding TUNE, I ran a functional health practice in New York City. We had a multi-layered, individualized approach that included MDs, alternative practitioners, physical fitness, meditation, nutrition and health coaches. A few years into the practice I began to notice something: every one of our clients had an underlying nervous system dysregulation issue. The truth is, I did as well, which stemmed from a challenging childhood and carried through to my developmental years. My previous company was born from a desire to fully heal myself, and through that process grew a passion for creating paths to wellness for others. My own health issues, though I did the best to hide them my entire life, were compounding in a way that were all encompassing at times by my mid-twenties, despite having the best care available to me. 

My son Bodhi and I in 2012, on the way to a friend's wedding. That day I was barely functioning, my nervous system was so dysregulated that I was struggling with sight and hearing.

My son Bodhi and I in 2012, on the way to a friend's wedding. That day I was barely functioning, my nervous system was so dysregulated that I was struggling with sight and hearing.

Even though I was an expert in the wellness field, at the time of this photo, there was little information on how to heal the nervous system available. Until recently, guidance on creating a healthy, balanced nervous system was a gaping hole in the fields of mental health, physical health and through medical institutions. In fact, many pharmaceutical options actually dysregulate the nervous system. Keep in mind, at this time up until the 2020s, our culture was glorifying stress. This was the “lean in”  period where we believed that sleep was for the unsuccessful and that hustle meant recovery and had no place in our lives. Yet, our practice in NYC was filled with the top 1% who were experiencing physiological breakdowns; so, I began digging to find the thread between our cases. 

It was mostly the alternative world that focused on the nervous system and we knew that meditation, somatic therapies, immersion in nature, breath work, a chemical free diet, exercise 120 minutes a week and a strict balanced circadian sleep cycle can rebalance it. We began integrating these practices into our clients programs in 2014, which is whenI began my studies in vibration. I was introduced through a medical institution to the predecessor of TUNE. Vibro-Acoustic Technology (VAT) was created in the 1980s in a partnership with NIH and the Mayo Clinic.

Vibration has been used as a tool for balance in every indigenous population in documented human history and now I learned that medicine has been studying this modality for creating health as well. I began combing through white papers and contacting medical institutions across the country that study and implement this technology. I also began experimenting and integrating multiple forms of vibrational tools including crystal sound bowls, tuning forks and chanting/voice tuning into my mine and my family's practices as well. I saw an immediate improvement in my overall health. It was clear to me that vibration, the right vibrations, were the fastest, most effective way to balance the nervous system. I realized why every major medical institution in the country is researching this field; vibration is the language of the body. 

2015, in my apartment in NYC, demonstrating how different kinds of sound bowls produce different frequency sets and physical reactions.

2015, in my apartment in NYC, demonstrating how different kinds of sound bowls produce different frequency sets and physical reactions.

By 2016, the wellness world began offering many of the tools we were offering and I saw quality functional health practices popping up across America. This was encouraging for me to see, it also gave me the freedom to take a leap and sold my practice by the close of that year. I was becoming increasingly passionate about vibration and its power to improve peoples' lives. I wanted to create a VAT product and service that rebalanced the nervous system while flooding the body with happiness endorphins, essentially rebalancing people back to their naturally designed state.

Here’s the thing; we are designed to be in balance, we are designed to be in flow. In the biohacking world, we discuss flow as some hard-to-achieve peak state that only the best of us can reach; but that’s not true. It’s actually the state in which we’re designed to exist. Our bodies are created to ONLY operate properly when balanced, and when we disrupt the autonomic balance, we begin to experience multi-system dysregulation and breakdowns that lead to disease and illness. Flow (Gamma, or how we tend to discuss it as High Beta) is a by-product of a balance, is the state you are designed to flip in and out of as you go through your day and it's completely inaccessible if your nervous system is dysregulated.